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In today’s policing climate, officers have to perform under an unprecedented level of scrutiny, while maintaining professionalism, and navigating high-pressure, emotionally charged encounters.
That is why is course was designed.
This personal safety course is for police officers, detention officers, and any other group within law enforcement that deals with the public.
Our goal is to provide officers with essential, usable skills, to effectively and safely manage difficult and/or aggressive encounters, while maintaining personal and professional safety.
This course has been taught all over the country, at the academy level, as well as in-service curriculum, and now through funding provided by the Colorado Community College System, it is being presented for you.
The 8-hour training day runs from 8am to 4pm, will focus directly on Deliberate De-escalation, and the fundamentals public safety in the ever-changing environment of Colorado.
Sign up NOW … or, you could always just watch another video.
Law Enforcement Services
With our wide range of Law Enforcement experience, we've been witness to every facet of human behavior. And, it would be an honor to share the things we've learned.

More and more of our agencies are being critiqued not only on the mechanics of a Tactical Response, but also if there was a need for a Tactical Response.
Considering the rising costs associated with managing an employees
well-being and the associated public scrutiny, can you afford not to have this training?
Deliberate De-Escalation
Callbox Training is fully committed to engaging in the dialogue associated with the topic of Implicit-Bias and how it may impact the profession of policing.
To our end, we offer training's that are based on the US Constitution, that encourage all parties to inspect their beliefs in an effort to increase the safety of all parties involved.
Understanding Bias
In today's policing environment, evaluating and considering how we perceive, understand and manage emotion, could be the difference between success and a place in the national spotlight.
Our Emotional Intelligence training has been vetted through hundreds of employees and has allowed for numerous individuals to gain self-awareness.
Emotional Intelligence
This course is a guided exploration of the axioms issued by Sir Robert Peel that established the basic rules of modern policing.
During the course, we cover basic topics such as Ethics and De-Escalation. But, by using multiple methods of learning and engaging discussions, we also delve into the areas of public perceptions and managing community Withdrawals and Deposits.